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A Java based tool for organizing and managing your .jpg, .gif and .png image files. Currently only supported and tested on Windows 2K/XP.

The most current release is 0.9, released on 10.08.2004

  • Clean up of the interface
  • Speed up of thumb processing
  • Fixed up aspect ratio for thumbs
  • Added zoom feature
  • Added image directory history
  • Added thumb cache
  • Added toolbar in image pane

imMaJellan uses the Kunststoff DesktopTheme.
imMaJellan is released under the GNU General Public License.

Binary and source downloads are available here

Author: Ron Knutson

I also have a manager application for .avi, .asf, .mkv, .mov, .mpg, .ogm and .wmv video
files available here